Weirdest day of my life!

Hey chickas, how you all doing?

I know I haven’t uploaded a blog in the last few days but I had my first proper day at work on Friday and it exhausted me! We had learnt a tone of stuff in the morning and then got put out in the field to try out our skills! It was a very weird day, I can assure you of that!

Anyway… let me tell you what happened. So my group got sent out to a village (if you can it that) called Stanton Harcourt. Now this is not your average village, its a beautiful place full of gorgeous houses and bungalows but it doesn’t have any shops and the pubs that were there are no longer open as pubs. There was one pub called The Bell which has been transferred into houses and another one called The Ferrymen which has been under renovation for over 4 years.

Now don’t get me wrong I am glad I went out with the team, finally, but it was just super weird in the village and sometimes a bit eerie and from what I heard about the village no wonder it is eerie. I have looked it up and there is a place called the devil’s quoit which is basically a circle of stones next to this huge lake.

Anyway, back to how my day went. We got to Stanton Harcourt after a very funny car journey full of jokes, business talk and singing, including a song from high school musical called we are all in this together (some of you who are reading this are probably like never heard of it! you people haven’t lived!). when we arrived we had a quick group chat and off we went! I was told I was going around with my leader which I was very happy about because I wasn’t 100% confident about going on my own.

It took us a while to get to our first house and when we finally got there we started talking! We had a bit of banter with some of them and it was really fun to go and talk to people and let them know what the charity does and how amazing they are doing.

We carried on around the village until 4 and we then went on our break! Now this is where it got really weird but it was also the funniest part. So we were looking for somewhere to chill out and have some catch up time to talk about how we have done so far.

Well me and some of the others needed a wee and we could not find anywhere and it got to the point where we didn’t care where we went to the toilet. Well, lets just say we ended up weeing in a field!!! Insane huh? But we all laughed so hard that we had to wee there! So we went back to our meeting point and then got back to work! We then finished at 7 and went home!

Okay, that doesn’t sound like a really weird day but trust me you had to be there to understand! I’m sure my colleagues would agree with you.

On the way home we had a funny car journey, we were all a lot more comfortable with each other and understood each other a bit more which was great! When we got home, the office was shut so we had our meeting in the car and all started to depart!

For my first day it was amazing but so weird and the boys reassured me that not everyday is like that, its actually quite chilled out compared to the strangeness that we had on Friday. I do have to say, I am very much looking forward to next week! I have decided that my goal is to get between 8-10 sales for the week obviously if I get over that AWESOME! I am just really excited to get started properly and have a new outlook to what I am doing.

I have what I need to say in my head and I have been trying to practice it all weekend in my head did it on my Nan and Uncle and I got it so right! I feel like I just need to get out there and show everyone what I’ve got! 10 sale week here I come… leader here I come… new business I am on my way!

My aim for this year is to by the end of it is to have my own business and being able to create an amazing opportunity for a lot of other people! Time to get my arse in gear though and go to bed! I have to be in the office by 10:30am and then wont get home until late so I am going to pop off to bed and get some well needed beauty sleep! Good night you beauties ❤

Lots of love

Your biggest fan

Shennon xxx ❤ xxx


Hey guys how are you all?

WARNING: my brain is like massive work mode so bare with me today please! Thank you 🙂

OMG what a day today has been! I started my new job today and it was amazing, admittedly we were only training but still it was AWESOME! So today I have learnt a tone of stuff about the company I am working for and the charities that I will be involved with!

I also got to meet up with everyone who I had met in my induction and a few new ones and some of the rest of the team at RedSeven. It was great to see everyone today and so far I have got on with everyone that works in the company.

I still have more training to do in the morning but once we have done the training, I will be out and about speaking to different people!

I think the best part of my job is, I get to talk to customers about the charities that we work for. We get to explain what they are doing; what battles they are facing; and how we as a community can over come them!

Well over all I have loved being at RedSeven so far and I cannot wait for what the future holds for me with them! Massive thank you to all the readers that helped us all today and our managing director for filling our heads with a tone of information!

Its a good job I have written it all down because my Grandad hasn’t stopped talking to me since iv’e got home and my poor head is now exploding.

I hope you have all had a great day today and your enjoying your 2019 so far!

Lots of love

Your biggest fan

Shennon xxxxx ❤

2018 – what a year!

Hey guys how are you all?

I had told you all yesterday that today was my first day at work however, there was a bit of confusion at the office and turns out i’m not starting today i’m starting tomorrow! #awkward! Instead I am going to tell you guys how my 2018 was and why I am glad to see the back of it!

So 2018, where on earth do I start! Well I suppose at the very beginning is a very good place to start! (By the way guys get used to comments like this from musicals because i’m all about the musicals!)

1st January 2018 – I split up with my fiance after some long consideration! Basically, I was in a relationship with a very nice guy (i’m not going to name names because I don’t think its fair) and after being together for just over 9 months he proposed, I said yes! We had a wonderful engagement party and then something happened that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, I had a miscarriage.

For me the relationship went downhill from that moment on. It took me three weeks to recover from the miscarriage, mentally and physically (i’m still not over it now but I don’t think you will ever be over something like that). Once I finally managed to get better, I then started having issues with my stomach which caused the relationship to break down even more. I was in and out of hospital constantly and I think I spent more time in bed or at hospital than I did with him!

It came to new years eve in 2017 and I all of the sudden realised that I didn’t want to be with him anymore not because he wasn’t a nice guy or because of anything else but simply the reason that I didn’t love him anymore. I rathered of spent new years with my mum than him and I think that showed a lot!

January 1st came and I went home to him and his family after spending new years with my mum and I couldn’t face telling him I was leaving in front of all his family. There was conversation about the wedding that was meant to be happening this year (2019) and I agreed with everything everyone was saying. I didn’t want to break his heart in front of everyone. Maybe for my own selfish reasons but whats been done, has been done, no changing that! I moved back in with my mum after telling him it was over and a lot of tears were shed from both of us!

End of January 2018 – I moved into my own place, well I say place it was a static home – lovely but not for me! My dad had sorted it out for me and I was very grateful! However, after living there for two weeks I ended up in hospital and got told I couldn’t live at home on my own! so I moved back in with my mother! Because of this, I now don’t talk to my dad, not because I don’t want to talk to him, but because he doesn’t want to talk to me!

Since January I had a lot of guys floating in and out of my life and I started drinking a lot more than I ever had done before, but I wouldn’t say I had a problem! I think I was just enjoying life a little bit too much!

My 20th birthday with Lisa!

March came – My birthday month which by the way, I celebrated from the day of my birthday right through to the Sunday! However, it wasn’t really a celebration.It was more of trying not to let the pub I worked in, go down hill because of the landlord (again no names are being mentioned). All i’m saying is they had a very rocky relationship, well they still do to be honest, March was probably the worst time of their relationship.

April came and we thought everything was going okay, but maybe not! I got sacked from my job for no reason at all! I literally did nothing wrong it was all because the landlord was coming back and he didn’t want me there! Fine by me I was leaving anyway!

May 15th – i found pictures of myself in google! amazing!!!!! I literally nearly died, I couldn’t believe it was so happy that I was on Google but then I started thinking how could I make it more. I wanted to be known far and wide for what I want to do, singing and acting! Well I tried to boost my Instagram up, but that was as far as I could get as I was starting to get busy again with working at a new pub literally day and night!

Summer came and it was time for the World Cup! Now I am not a football fan but, I watched the games where I could and I worked every game in the pub apart from one. but that’s because I was ill with my stomach! I was so proud of England! We had done so well and the boys had done us proud! There were a few matches that were insane; glasses were smashed; beer was thrown everywhere; and the chanting was loud! The atmosphere was ecstatic! Well done boys!!

My trip to Bournemouth beach!

I was also having a bit of a thing with another lovely guy but turned out he just wasn’t my type! We went to Bournemouth for a random trip and stayed until midnight. We also went to London for my voice audition which was amazing, we went to underbelly festival, the London eye and a Mexican restaurant which was also amazing and then we went on holiday to Bournemouth. He was such a great guy but i just wasn’t feeling 100% connected with him so I had to end it!

Our food at the Mexican restaurant
Our food at the Mexican restaurant
London eye!

Then on the 29th of September, I started in a new relationship! However, it didn’t turn out to be how I expected it to be! At first it was great, he would come round; we would have a few drinks; I met his family; he met mine; everything was going swimmingly and then me and my mother had a huge bust up! She kicked me out and he offered for me to live at his, well lets just say I took the offer up and ended up moving in with him.

The relationship after I moved in was great at first, then the hospital appointments came in and he was going on at me about getting a proper job. I was working in the pub and actually enjoyed what I was doing and I was working most days of the week which covered my rent and me living! If anything he was on more than me but was living out of my purse because he wasted his wages. Then it came to the week of my operation and he was so off with me it was unreal, I thought he was just tired, no sirey he knew he was going to break up with me but he didn’t know how!

Lets just say I had my operation on the Friday and he phoned me Friday night to tell me he couldn’t be there to look after me, apparently he had to work. I got home on the Saturday after a great friend came to pick me up and he decided he was going out! Tuesday came and I woke up to a text from him saying he wanted me out of the house before he came home. I was devastated and didn’t know what to do so phoned my Grandparents!

I have lived with my Grandparents for a month now and as much as my Grandad drives me insane I cant be more grateful to them! I love them with all my heart and they know I’d be there if they ever needed anything; they have supported me getting my new job and have just been amazing! Nanny, Grandad I love you both to the moon and back a million times!

So although last year was super hard, I have rekindled my relationship with my family, I have learnt that most guys are the same and that I don’t have to do what everyone else wants me to do, Sometimes I have to make decisions for myself and what would make me happy!

I just want to say a massive thank you to these people for always sticking by me especially this year: Debbie, Mark, Lisa, Rob, Demi, Lauren, Hayley, Alex, Lisa, Nanny, Grandad, Josh and everyone else who has made this year bareable you know who you are!

Well there you go you now know most of what happened last year and why I struggled so much. My illness I will talk about in more detail soon and my miscarriage I will do a whole blog on as it is quite hard but I think, we as women need to know that we aren’t alone and there are others that have gone through the same thing!

Lots of love,

Your biggest fan#

Shennon xxxx

The Journey Begins

Hey everyone! Hope this blog finds you well! 

So this year I have decided to add a little something extra into my life and it is this little thing called a blog! You will have to bare with me I have never done anything like this before but my hope is if I share my story with you all it will help someone out there to improve their story! 

Lets start off with the basics…

Name: Shennon Hughes (my actual name is Shannon but Shennon is my stage name. I’m sure I will explain soon!)

Age: 20 years old!

Star sign: Pisces (march) 

From: a lovely country called England!

Relationship status so far: uhhhhh so single!!

So I guess what I am going to try and do is tell you about my day everyday and keep you all updated with whats going on in my life. If for whatever reason I cant update you all on one day I will update you all on the next blog! I am also going to try and talk about problems i have faced in the past what I am looking forward to in the future. If I go on holiday I will let you all know how that goes (however that will probably be updated when i get back with a tone of pictures!) 

Anyway now the boring stuff is over and done with, I will let you guys know how my day went today!

Today I woke up a bit later, at the moment that’s nothing new and the bonus is, I didn’t have a hangover, whoop whoop! I’ve not been felling 100% myself the last few days but today was bad! I felt really weak and sick and had a huge hot flush, I know why am I getting them at my age… your guess is as good as mine! I then decided it would be an amazing idea to make apple pastries which are stewed apples wrapped in pastry (they weren’t great!) and I burnt my lip while trying the stewed apples to see if they were sour, sweet or just right, I mean who does that? Oh that would be me! Nanny decided to order Pizza in and it was amazing and I polished off a whole pizza to myself… how? I don’t know! But I am now in bed, I have had some ginger ale, a cool bath and I am so ready for tomorrow to come!

For those of you who don’t know me I have just moved into Swindon with my Nan and Grandad and got a new job which I start tomorrow (2nd January 2019). Wait hang on guys can we just reflect on the fact that we are now in 2019 like how is this possible? Anyway back to what I was saying! My new job is a sales and customer service brand ambassador with an amazing company called RedSeven! I am super excited to be going on this amazing adventure with RedSeven. When I found out I had the job it was a week before christmas and then I had my induction on the same week so it had to be the best christmas present ever (insane right!) Oh did I tell you, I attended my first meeting with them on the Saturday before christmas and we had drunk lots of Bucksfizz and ate a lot of food!

The end of 2018 was actually alright for me I spent time with family and we laughed and had fun, well apart from my Grandad arguing with me but he doesn’t mean it a lot of the time! Last year was a little bit of a whirlwind for me a lot happened and it taught me a lot and I mean A LOT! I will do a whole new blog for the story of 2018 at the weekend!

But for now guys I’m checking out of here and checking into sleep land! I hope you all have an amazing sleep and read this soon!

Lots of love,

Your biggest fan,

Shennon xxxx

P.S. Happy New Year you beauties ❤

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton